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Artist Statement

As long as I can remember, I have been a maladaptive daydreamer. Whether I daydreamed out of boredom or by a trigger, the scenarios were filled with life, and its complexity. They often leave me to experience life in a dule murky haze, as I lived through memories rather than the genuine human experience. This, in turn, has stunted me physically, mentally, and out of place. My work deals with the reliving of my human experience through art to reclaim the time and development lost to my daydreams. 

My art focuses on religion, guilt, politics, and the supernatural and how I’ve come to examine how these aspects have affected my life. I use the mediums of Photography and sculpture as I find their ability to examine the past and experience. The present is critical in my reliving process. For me, photographs don’t just serve as a means of documentation but also as a form of critique of one's place in the world. With photos, we are able to behold a frozen moment in time without it being altered by the action and motives of the present and future, allowing us to live as a ghost in the past. It makes it possible for me to be critical in understanding and accepting the moment in that part of my life and accepting it. Sculpture, however, allows me to physically relive these moments, as the work demands not only the space in my life but also my will. I have to interact with my work to confront my failed past but also deal with the present rather than retreating to my daydreams and becoming nothing more than a spectator in my own life. However, my sculptures don’t just force me to relive and confront the past and present but also the lives of others. By making works that take up people's space, I am able to have open conversations on topics that often drive people away. My art serves as the physical embodiment of the topic and as the vessel that confronts the viewer. 

Whether it’s photos of ghosts in our world or a giant pile of clay razor blades. My art is a tool of both criticism and healing. Ether a commentary on one's own body or confronting corruption, I will use my art to help myself but also to around me.

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